"It's about the head and heart ..." - Debi B.

"It's about the head and heart ..." - Debi B.


“While on an Eloquent Light workshop at White Sands National Monument with Craig I had a breakthrough. While obvious to some, it took me years to realize/believe in my own level of competence and confidence.  

After taking many photography workshops and producing lovely images I always seemed to worry about finding the "right settings on my camera" as well as the perfect composition for my pictures. At times I seemed to be distracted by technical matters rather than focusing on the inspirational part of photography. It is not about the equipment you have—it's truly about the vision you seek out. When you feel that aha! moment when all the parts are in order (composition, light, colors, feeling etc.) making photographs is magical.

The Epiphany!: I finally acknowledged that I really did know the technical side. I gave myself permission to trust my skills and develop my art. Craig Varjabedian is a wonderful mentor.  It really is about the passion and the vision. It is about the head and the heart not about the equipment!  No longer will I overcomplicate my endeavors.”

~Debi B., Oregon

"Another great adventure . . ." - Wilson C.

"Another great adventure . . ." - Wilson C.

REVIEW: The Sirui N-2204SK tripod

REVIEW: The Sirui N-2204SK tripod